

Muka Collective

Deborah Metsch

Les Mamelles , 2024

1 of 1 - Lambda Silver Print, Resin Coated with Satin Finish. Process: Oxidation and Mixed Media (ink, acrylic, pastel). Deborah’s use of layering plays a key role in her artistic vision. Her photographs often evoke a sense of nostalgia and a sense of ambiguity. In her more recent work, she incorporates painterly elements that lend her images a surreal and dream-like quality. By manipulating the surfaces of her photographs—using oxidation processes and the application of paint and varnish, Deborah creates layered images where the past and present seem to coexist, creating tension between permanence and impermanence. The result reveals elements of the photograph that are obscured or blurred, echoing the way memories can fade or resurface over time.

70 x 100 cm

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