Eva Steynen Gallery

  • Main Section
  • Booth C01
  • Antwerpen

Eva Steynen Gallery was founded in 2013. The gallery has a multidisciplinary approach and works closely with a small group of mid-career and young artists, mostly Belgian-based. Occasionally there are international collaborations. The aim is to show, support and promote artists to discover as well as the gallery's more established artists. At art fairs, the gallery presents exhibitions reflecting the gallery's philosophy and program. The annual program consists of fve or six exhibitions presenting solo shows, performances, artist editions, salons, and thematic group projects.

Building a sustainable trust-based relationship between artists and gallerists, the purpose is 'to grow well together'. To organize and create connections between artists, galleries, collectors, curators, and art lovers. The commercial aspects of a gallery may not invade the artistic process, hence Eva Steynen distinguishes itself by rather risk-taking and curatorial shows often with a museal character.

+32 (0)486 209 564
C20 Artweek2023 Sturm 43
  • 28 Zurenborgstraat
    2018 Antwerpen