Salon du CAL 2023

Under the High Patronage of Her Royal Highness the Grand Duchess, the Cercle Artistique de Luxembourg (CAL) fosters and promotes artistic creation in Luxembourg, as well as disseminates and defends artistic and cultural values.

The Salon du CAL is an exhibition of contemporary art evaluated by an international jury. It provides an overview of current artistic creation in Luxembourg, as well as featuring invited non-resident and foreign artists. This exhibition is open to various fields of visual arts, encompassing all techniques, without discrimination based on aesthetic trends or currents, as long as the artworks meet the requirements of artistic quality, research, innovation, and originality.

Luxembourgish and/or foreign artists residing in Luxembourg are invited to present three recent works that have never been exhibited or showcased on social media, neither in Luxembourg nor abroad.

Vue d'exposition Salon du CAL