
  • Main Section
  • Booth B10
  • Luxembourg

mediArt is a cultural promotion agency. Its mission is to help make accessible, propagate and perpetuate the artistic and intellectual creation of Luxembourg and the Greater Sarre-Lor-Lux Region. mediArt focuses on cultural and socio-cultural evolution from the 1950s to the present with an emphasis on artistic creation.

mediArt operates in addition to initiatives and numerous achievements of public or private origin. While building on what already exists, mediArt recommends cooperation and collaboration, particularly within the Greater Region, to support cultural and artistic creation. mediArt is a private initiative.

mediArt offers agency services to public institutions and private companies for the organisation of cultural events. mediArt also acts as an advisor to private institutions wishing to constitute collections of works of art by artists from the Greater Region. In addition to editions of engravings, mediArt has artworks for sale on its premises.

mediArt organises exhibitions or other cultural events in Luxembourg, in the Greater Region and beyond. In this context, mediArt renounces the tradition of exhibiting in fixed places and focuses in particular on the more classic sectors of contemporary creation in the field of plastic arts (painting, engraving, sculpture, tapestry, ceramics, a.o.).

mediArt is also active in the field of publishing (catalogs, art books, limited editions of engraved works, collections of illustrated poetry, etc.) by linking artistic expression to literary and poetic creations.

+352 26 86 19
mediart © Sophie Margue 20211111-LAW-340 copie
  • 31 Grand-Rue
    1661 Luxembourg