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Art Association "Kunstverein Trier-Galerie Junge Kunst e.V"

Our gallery in Karl-Marx-Str. 90, Trier stands for the promotion of contemporary art from Germany and abroad, as well as the organization of external exhibition projects in the „Tuchfabrik“, Trier.

A team of curators comprised of our active members, amongst which are artists and art historians, plan and implement projects on a voluntary basis.

Each year, the curators present an exhibition and educational programme to the public together with hosting vernissages in our attractive gallery space.

The Kunstverein's active goal at Artweek Luxembourg is to help shape and promote the visual arts in the Trier-Luxembourg region, as well as facilitating the networking of cultural education offered by creatives in Luxembourg and Trier.

The educational and exhibition programme of the Kunstverein Trier is supported by membership fees, subsidies from the city and the state, as well as donations from art-interested companies and private individuals.

Information about our gallery, which has existed since 1996, as well as our current exhibitions and artists can be found on our website.

+49 651 97 63 840
Capture d’écran 2020-07-28 à 09.20.40 copie
  • 90 Karl-Marx Str.
    54292 Trèves