100 Posters from the Museum's collections, selected by the public
The exhibition provides an insight into the museum’s poster collection, comprising around 2,500 pieces from the fields of politics, administration, culture or advertising. At the same time, it illustrates the development of Luxembourg and international graphic design during the 20th century.
Posters bear witness to social changes, prevailing tastes and mentalities. Despite digital mass media, the poster remains part of the public space and the collective visual memory. As this medium thrives particularly on the immediate effect on its viewer, the museum has involved the public in the conception of the exhibition, by means of 6 juries that selected the 100 posters on display. The show also offers a “Short History of the Poster", an animated projection and a room dedicated to poster production.
Location: Lëtzebuerg City Museum
Discover the cultural agenda of Letzëbuerg City Museum during Luxembourg Art Week