Où va la critique d’art aujourd’hui?

16:00 - 17:00
In collaboration with Aica Luxembourg - Association internationale des critiques d'art (FR)

Location: Art Talk Area

Guest Speakers : Claudia Passeri (Artist, Luxemburg)
Clément Minighetti (Curator, Luxemburg)
Karolina Markiewicz (Freelance critic & member of Aica Luxembourg, Luxemburg)

France Clarinval (Journalist with Lëtzebuerger Land. and member of Aica Luxembourg, Luxemburg)

Art critics, curators, artists: confusion or complementarity ?

At a time when everything is evaluated by stars and thumbs, and appreciation is reduced to the binarity of “I like it / I don't like it”, the role of the art critic takes on new responsibilities and new challenges. He or she must dissect works, place them in context and relate them to other works, other artists, other artistic disciplines and periods. Today, the production of texts framing artists and exhibitions is no longer the prerogative of critics alone, and text is no longer the only way to tell the story of art.

Aica Luxembourg invites critics, curators and artists to examine the new challenges and players in art criticism.


Kiosque Christian Aschman Ca 0640
Kiosk when dismantled in 2013 © Christian Aschman